Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yes! Kindergarten Math is a Success!

50,000 installs in less than 6 months

50,000 downloads in 6 months or less has become a commonly cited threshold for success for an Android App. Kindergarten Math Lite just crossed 50,000 downloads in 5 months on the Google Android Market. There is additional 10,000 downloads of Kindergarten Math Lite on the Amazon App Market. It is the first app that we built. So, there was no cross-promotion for it to rely on. It is independently successful.

Only 2 out of every 1000 apps has the honor of reaching 50,000 in less than 6 months. With about 500,000 apps on the Android market, that means we are one of the top 1000 apps.

How do we celebrate it? By fixing the app for Blackberry playbook... there is a lot more work to be done, and more applications to be built. This is just the beginning.



  1. Congratulations! So happy to see Kindergarten Math doing so well. Is it on the NOOK store too?

  2. Not yet. I registered, but haven't done the vendor approval yet.
    Have you posted an application on the nook store? How does it compare?
